Laptop Acer Aspire V5-132P Drivers Windows 8, 8.1

Acer Aspire V5-132PDownload Drivers according to your needs, you can download the list below, if there is a broken link please leave a comment.
Laptop Acer Aspire V5-132P Drivers Windows 8, 8.1
Acer Aspire V5-132P | Driver Acer

Here you can download the windows 7 Drivers for Acer Aspire V5-132P
AHCIIntelSATA AHCI Driverv11.5.4.100111.2 MB2013/06/28
AMTIntelIntel iAMT Driverv8.1.20.133747.7 MB2013/06/28
AudioRealtekAudio Driverv6.0.1.6865194.8 MB2013/06/28
BluetoothAtherosBluetooth Driverv8.0.0.224230.9 MB2013/06/28
BluetoothBroadcomBluetooth Driverv12.0.0.5100173.6 MB2013/06/28
CardReaderRealtekCard Reader Driverv6.2.9200.3903910.6 MB2013/06/28
ChipsetIntelChipset Driverv9.3.0.10215.6 MB2013/06/28
LanRealtekLAN Driverv8.5.1120.20124.3 MB2013/06/28
TouchPadELANTECHTouchpad Driverv11.6.24.202115.4 MB2013/07/03
TouchPadSynapticsTouchpad Driverv16.3.12.34108.9 MB2013/07/03
VGAIntelVGA Driverv9.18.10.3186147.8 MB2013/07/03
Wireless LANAtherosWireless LAN Driverv10.0.0.245230.9 MB2013/07/03
Wireless LANBroadcomWireless LAN Driverv6.30.59.10466.5 MB2013/07/03

Download Ultra-thin Acer Aspire V5-132P Drivers Windows 8.1 64bit 
AudioRealtekAudio Driverv6.0.1.7027392.8 MB2013/10/08
BluetoothAtherosBluetooth Driverv8.0.1.305251.4 MB2013/10/08
BluetoothBroadcomBluetooth Driverv12.0.0.7850183.9 MB2013/10/08
CardReaderRealtekCard Reader Driverv6.2.9200.3904810.2 MB2013/10/08
ChipsetIntelChipset Driverv9.4.0.10269.9 MB2013/10/08
LanRealtekLAN Driverv8.18.621.20135.7 MB2013/10/08
MgmtEngineIntelME (Management Engine)Driver9.5.10.165855.9 MB2013/10/08
TouchPadELANTECHTouchpad Driverv11.6.27.201124.0 MB2013/10/08
TouchPadSynapticsTouchpad Driverv17.0.6.13121.7 MB2013/10/08
VGAIntelVGA Driverv10.18.10.3304157.6 MB2013/10/08
Wireless LANAtherosWireless LAN Driverv10.0.0.263251.4 MB2013/10/08
Wireless LANBroadcomWireless LAN Driverv6.30.223.170183.9 MB2013/10/08

Thank you for download Acer Aspire V5-132P

Source : Acer Support

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